Survivors Stick Together!
As a cancer survivor I understand the hardships physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially. When we found out our Graphic Designer was diagnosed with stage 4, Metastatic Neuroblastoma we wanted to help her and her ohana. This type of cancer primary is found in children but rarely in adults (3 out of 10 million).
She's doing better, but is still fighting the good fight. However, the financial burden is one that can be quite overwhelming for anyone. So we asked her to design a shirt the represented her journey through cancer. We call this design, "liko ka liko" which means to come fourth and open. Her journey has been one with many challenges, however she has risen and come fourth through it all and blossomed into her new life. One filled with greater meaning and purpose.
For every shirt purchased 100 % of the profits has been donated to her in hopes this helps to minimize the medical financial hardship.